Enchanted Creature
Enchanted Creature is a series of woodcut relief prints made with hand cut and ripped stencils. It abstracts the body, attempting to find the moment when flesh becomes gendered. How much of a body do you have to see before you catch a glimpse of a boob and all the expectations that follow that click into place? Can you tell what sex I was assigned at birth by looking at my soft hands? It certainly seems that people see a woman when it all comes together, so what is that last element that cements the perception?
My body is genderless. My chest, genitals, curves, voice, my entire body has no gender. In looking for the commonalities in how I perceive myself and what I feel outside perceptions are, I concluded that the back and butt comprise the largest uninterrupted stretch of ungendered flesh on the body. The Enchanted Creature in these prints could be anyone of any gender. I have attempted to abstracted the body in the same way I have abstracted the concept of gender.